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#1 Med Spa Marketers.

Get New Patients
Grow Your Brand.😍

At Krivoo we’ve created a framework designed specifically to help med spa owners create consistent and predictable appointment flow AND most importantly, into high-paying customers.



The C.A.T Method

C = Content

We create high-quality, unique content tailored to your ideal audience. This content engages potential patients, enhancing your online presence and driving patient acquisition.

A = Advertising

We amplify your content with targeted paid ads. This strategic approach ensures that your message reaches the right audience, bringing in high-quality patients and boosting your brand's visibility.

T = Trust

The high-quality content and paid ads combined attracts people who already trust your medspa, making it easier to convert them into clients for high-ticket packages.

Surfing a Big Wave


Personalized Marketing


1 On 1 Coaching

We don't accept more than 20 clients at a time.

To get you the best results, we'll build a personalized marketing campaign for your medspa.

Our team will take care of everything, all you need to do is wait for the appointments to come in.

We will guide you on how to take all of the new appointments and turn them into high-paying patients


What Our Clients Say About Us

Remedy Aesthetics & Weightloss

A Case Study of how we helped Shonna get 160 new Semaglutide patients in 60 days

The True Skin Clinic

"We're constantly getting 20-30 new clients every month, and it's absoloutly incredible!"

Fit Physique

From launching a brand-new in-home body contouring business to a fully booked calendar and expanding to a new location in just 6 weeks
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Rotem Kraizberg


Meet The Founder

After spending $500,000 on marketing for his businesses with 6 years of experience in advertisement & sales.


Rotem took his digital marketing expertise and passion for medspas, and founded Krivoo.


With a goal of helping medspas & aesthetic clinics skyrocket their business by bringing them additional pre-paid appointments with high quality patients every month. With a 30 days performance based trial.



Ready to Grow Your MedSpa?

Get in touch with the Krivoo team to explore how we can collaborate to attract more patients to your medspa.

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